So I did a mile this morning (lazy, ha ha!) because I didn't get my Tready time yesterday. I thought I'd bang off a quick run as soon as I got up, as it seems that if I don't run R!F!N! once the thought enters my mind, I start coming up with distractions to keep my lazy ass on the couch. And because I was "only" doing a mile, I thought I'd skip the iPhone and just fire it off.
So what I discovered was this: If I don't have something blaring in my ears while I run, I'm not distracted from how stiff my hips feel. I'm not distracted from that burning feeling in my calves at about minute four. I'm not distracted from how winded I feel, and ergo, how OLD I feel on there. I don't feel invincible. Crank something with the perfect beat into my brain though, and I'm unstoppable. Lesson learned. I may be deaf by the time I run anything of consequence, but dammit, I'll make it. :-)
Side story: I was going to go into the local YMCA's spring run to do my first race, until I realized I have yet to run any kind of successful distance outdoors. I ended up compromising and signing up for a half mile instead of the 5K. When I did that, I thought, well, that's a mighty manageable distance even for The Boy. So I asked the kids if they wanted to come with me, and they said why not? (Or is it Y not, har dee har har!) Then I thought, well if the kids are coming with me, suck it up, Hubbs, we're making it a family event! (Heh heh heh!) So that is how my family is participating in its first ever running event. We have real numbers and everything! We go starting from the Y at 10:30 tomorrow morning, so if anyone local is interested in cheering us on, feel free!
I have to run with music cranked too for the same reasons!