Well, if you've found me, thank you! I've been chewing on the idea of writing a blog for some time. The problem's always been what to write about! I'll tell you a bit about myself: I have two kids. The Boy is 6 years old. He's a freakin' genius (no, I don't say that as his mom - he's scary smart, and he KNOWS it!) The Girl is 9, and she's good at ev-er-y-thing. Seriously. Especially hockey. Which basically means I already have no life.
Speaking of no life, I'm learning to be a CGA while also working full time. Oh, and I was treasurer for The Girl's hockey team last season. And I was the Publications person for the Parent Council at the kids' school. Because really, I'm not approaching my nervous breakdown fast enough, you see.
Which leads me to The Hubbs. Seriously, he's a good man. He cooks. He cleans (if I bitch at him enough). He even takes damn good care of the kids. But most importantly, he humours me whenever I come up with some cockamamie idea, such as spending a weekend in Winnipeg with BFF at a rock festival. ("Hubbs and Kids? What Hubbs and Kids?")
So this leads me to the cockamamie idea that has spawned this crazy blog. A couple of months ago, I talked Hubbs into letting me buy a treadmill. And I've actually done pretty good on it. I'm slacking a bit lately - finals and work - but I can run a mile in about 15 minutes if I push my luck. So a friend of mine from work sent me a message the other day saying "I have a proposition for you." Like and idiot, I asked her what it was, and she brought up this half-marathon that is run in Vegas down the strip each year. At first, I thought no way, no how. It's the day after Hubb's 40th birthday, and I was planning to throw him a party. Then it occurred to me - y'know, I really haven't planned a damn thing yet, now have I?
So I threw the idea at him of spending his birthday in Vegas this year. I even suggested his parents could come, my parents could come, we could take the kids (well why the hell not? We're inviting the babysitters!) Last I checked, he was shaking his head. In the Headshake of Defeat. So I will keep you posted..... ;-)